Promotions & Discounts

Skin Care Services


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New Client

Receive 25% off your first when you book online and use promo code FIRST25

Rebooking Discount

Save 15% off your next service when you re-book your next appointment on the day of your most recent skincare service.

Check in on Yelp!

Save an extra 10% when you check in on Yelp!

Beauty Professionals

Attention all estheticians, cosmetologists, nail, and waxing technicians! Enjoy 30% off any skincare services and select retail products. To sign up, email with the subject line: Beauty Professional Discount.

College Students

NYC College students receive 20% off on any skin care service and select retail products. To sign up, email with the subject line: College Student Discount

Promotions & Discounts

Skincare Products

First purchase

Receive 15% off your entire order on your first online purchase.

Promo code WELCOME15

Free Shipping

Complimenary shipping on purchases over $150 (subtotal)

Automatically Applies at checkout

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